10 Actors Who Could Play Indiana Jones In Reboot

2. Hugh Jackman

Falling in line very close to Gerard Butler is Wolverine himself, Hugh Jackman. Jackman is the epitome of what it means to be an action star and has proven time and again that he just keeps getting better in each role that he does. Plus, he's mentioned that as much as he loves playing the Wolverine, his time as that character may be coming to a close sooner rather than later. As great as Jackman would be in sporting the fedora, an element that he could really bring with him would be that dashing ladies man side of the character. Jackman has a great way of being the hero while also courting the damsel in distress much like another famously iconic character from MI6. If Jackman were to play Indiana Jones, he'd do a tremendous job finding himself in trouble and then even deeper trouble while trying to figure out a solution - true Indy form. Possible Storyline: Temple of Doom is by far the one movie in the entire franchise that stands apart from any of the others as it steps away from any military power and focuses on the dark Thuggee occult. There are a lot of other secret societies and cults out there that it'd be refreshing to see the franchise take another shot at a story like this. Something featuring the American Freemasons would be entertaining but could suffer from being a re-dubbed National Treasure but an exploration of the Illuminati could work, taking place in either 1940s Italy or Germany.

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw