10 Actors Who Could Play Indiana Jones In Reboot

9. Bradley Cooper

If this story broke minus Bradley Cooper being attached to it, he would have easily been ranked higher on this list. Cooper is a bright actor and would do an excellent job with the character moving forward. Many view the Indiana Jones character as the American version of James Bond and that his character is timeless. If the torch were to be passed on, Cooper could take audiences on an adventure that could perhaps interweave between the already established films. Even though there is an established continuity between the films, it's a very fluid and loose connection. What makes Cooper a great possibility for the role is that he's 39-years old, the same age of Harrison Ford when he did Raiders of the Lost Ark. Up to this point in his career, Cooper has shown a great range in the characters that he can play from the dramatic to the action packed and it's time he attaches himself to an iconic role such as Indiana Jones. Possible Storyline: As contested as prequel films are, a casting of Bradley Cooper could depict a great storyline leading up to the events of Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indy's quest for the golden idol in Peru. It's always been fascinating to speculate where this quest began and the true history that the character has with Rene Belloq, the man who has a knack for always besting poor Indy.

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw