10 Actors Who Could Play The Joker In Matt Reeves' Batman

4. Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio Joker

Weirdly, this almost happened. A mere 3 years ago, when plans were unveiled for fanciful-sounding Joker origin movie, reports in Entertainment Weekly stated that Martin Scorsese had been brought on board as a producer to, amongst many other things, help persuade Leonardo DiCaprio to play the moves titular role. He was, apparently, their number one choice.

Things obviously didn't go down exactly like that and, as Joaquin Phoenix collected his Academy Award for Best Actor, you'd have forgiven Warner Bros. for forgetting who DiCaprio was entirely. But there's no reason that whatever it was they saw in him initially couldn't be tapped into again for Matt Reeves project.

As far as existing performances go, you'd look at DiCaprio's turns in Django Unchained, Wolf of Wall Street and, in a certain way, Baz Luhrmann's Romeo & Juliet as evidence he'd be suitable for the part. However his roles in The Departed and The Revenant show that he's usually able to work with just about any material he's given. What he'd bring to playing the Joker is probably unpredictable at this stage, but exciting nonetheless.

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