10 Actors Who Hated Scenes From Their Own Movies

7. Ben Affleck Hated Armageddon's Main Plot Hole

Armageddon Film.jpg
Buena Vista Pictures

Pretty much everyone who has ever watched Michael Bay's Armageddon has the same issue with the film's core premise.

A team of oil drillers are given a crash course in Astronaut 101 and sent into space to save the world from an impending asteroid, but wouldn't it be so much easier to train a team of astronauts to become drillers instead? One of these tasks is clearly far less arduous than the other, right?

Hilariously, it was also a concern shared by star Ben Affleck, who held nothing back on the movie's commentary track, where he outlines that he raised the concern to Bay himself, who simply told him to "shut the f**k up."

Given that this is the set-up around which the rest of the movie revolves, it's a major dramatic hurdle for audiences to get over, and one that Affleck himself clearly wasn't satisfied with.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.