10 Actors Who Hated Scenes From Their Own Movies

6. Kristen Wiig Hated Bridesmaids' Diarrhea Scene

Bridesmaids Melissa McCarthy

By far the most iconic and unforgettable scene in Paul Feig's Oscar-nominated 2011 hit rom-com Bridesmaids occurs when the principal characters all become stricken with food poisoning, leading to Megan (an Oscar-nominated Melissa McCarthy) evacuating her bowels in a sink.

But star Kristen Wiig, who also co-wrote the film and received a Best Original Screenplay Oscar nomination for her work, didn't include the scene in the initial script, and only begrudgingly added it after "encouragement" from the studio.

She said, "The scene in Bridesmaids was not our idea and it was not in the original script and we didn’t love it...It was strongly suggested for us to put that in there. I didn’t want to see people sh**ting and puking."

Wiig identified it as a wider symptom of a Hollywood that can only accept female-centric comedies which have the women acting like boorish men for the sake of a wider commercial appeal.

Wiig added, "When people say, 'Oh, we’re gonna give more female-centered movies a chance', you’re not reading the fine print, which is, 'Oh, but, they have to be like this.' They want to see women acting like guys."

While it might be the funniest scene in the entire movie, you can't really argue with Wiig's rationale there.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.