10 Actors Who Hated Scenes From Their Own Movies

5. Molly Ringwald Hated The Breakfast Club's Casual Misogyny

Breakfast Club Judd Nelson Molly Ringwald

John Hughes' The Breakfast Club is an undisputed classic of 80s coming-of-age cinema, but like many similar movies from the period, it doesn't entirely hold up under contemporary scrutiny, especially in a post-#MeToo era.

And this was pointed out by none other than the film's star herself, Molly Ringwald, who plays stuck-up priss Claire Standish in the movie.

Ringwald penned an article last year about rewatching the movie with her own young daughter and finding the treatment of Claire throughout the film "troubling."

She specifically drew attention to several scenes where rebel John Bender (Judd Nelson) harrasses Claire, such as infamously peeking up her skirt.

She said, "As I can see now, Bender sexually harasses Claire throughout the film. When he’s not sexualising her, he takes out his rage on her with vicious contempt, calling her 'pathetic', mocking her as 'Queenie'. It’s rejection that inspires his vitriol."

Of the film's legacy and late writer-director Hughes, Ringwald added, "It's hard for me to understand how John was able to write with so much sensitivity, and also have such a glaring blind spot...How are we meant to feel about art that we both love and oppose?"

Well put. It's an unfortunate fact that not all media ages well, especially those dealing with themes of masculinity, feminism and sexuality from decades past. It doesn't undermine the film's legacy, but simply shows that we're progressing as a society.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.