10 Actors Who Hated Scenes From Their Own Movies

4. Sam Worthington Hated Terminator Salvation's Suspiciously Quiet Terminator

Terminator Salvation Harvester
Warner Bros.

It's fair to say that basically nobody involved with the fourth Terminator movie, Terminator Salvation, was happy with how it turned out, but star Sam Worthington actually went into specifics about the blockbuster's failings mere months after its 2009 release.

Though there were vocal complaints about the film's humourless dourness, many fans noted the absolute silliness of the gigantic Harvester robot being able to sneak up on the humans at the gas station. Even if you accept that it could sneak quietly, its sheer size would cause the ground to shake. Stupid.

And hilariously, Worthington himself raised the plot hole in an interview. He said, "If there was a big ten-ton robot coming outside that gas station, surely we would f**king hear it!' And I missed that! So I go, 'I gotta be a bit better when I'm looking through my scripts!' So that kind of raises my game a bit, 'cause I feel like an idiot for not saying it to McG."

It's certainly a lot less controversial than dunking on T2's thumbs up scene, anyway, even if for most Terminator fans Salvation is nothing more than a distant, vague memory these days.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.