10 Actors Who Hated Scenes From Their Own Movies

3. Marion Cotillard Hated Her Death Scene In The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises Marion Cotillard Tali
Warner Bros.

As thunderously entertaining as Christopher Nolan's trilogy-capping The Dark Knight Rises is, the climactic death of villain Talia al Ghul (Marion Cotillard) was widely mocked by fans due to Cotillard's comically hammy performance.

As she expires, Talia lets out some stagey, over-the-top breaths and shakes her head in the same way a child might while pretending to die, rendering a supposedly dramatic scene absolutely comical.

The furore surrounding the scene got significant enough that Cotillard herself eventually became aware of it, and in an interview several years later opened up about how much distaste she also has for the scene.

She said, "Sometimes there are failures, and when you see this on screen, you're thinking: 'Why? Why did they keep that take?' But either you blame everyone or nobody."

Cotillard is clearly as baffled as anyone else that a director of Nolan's exactitude would pick such a hokey take, and yet, there it is, etched in cinematic stone forever more.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.