10 Actors Who Just Disappeared From Movies

1. Kyle Vogt - The Room

TPW Films

You probably don't know the name Kyle Vogt, but you might well remember the character he plays in Tommy Wiseau's legendary disasterpiece The Room.

Vogt portrays Peter, a psychologist friend of Mark (Greg Sestero) and Johnny (Wiseau), who despite appearing in numerous scenes throughout the first hour of the film, suddenly vanishes at the end of act two.

The last time we see him, he's playing football with Mark, Johnny, and Denny (Philip Haldiman), after which point he's conspicuously absent. Given his closeness to Johnny, it's especially distracting that he doesn't appear at Johnny's surprise birthday party mere scenes later.

The reason for Vogt's disappearance? He told the production upfront that he could only shoot for a limited number of days, and when Wiseau went over schedule, he had no choice but to leave.

Given that Peter had a sizable role in the rest of the movie's script, his lines were instead given to a new character, Steven (Greg Ellery), whose presence among Johnny's friends is never once explained, nor is his name ever said aloud. Amazing.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.