10 Actors Who Just Disappeared From Movies

2. Ana De Armas - No Time To Die


One of the unquestionable highlights of No Time to Die was the appearance of CIA agent Paloma (Ana de Armas), who assists 007 (Daniel Craig) in infiltrating the Spectre party in Cuba mid-way through the film.

She's a luminous, kickass, and surprisingly hilarious supporting player who brilliantly rebuffs Bond's predictably sleazy tenor, and by the end of the delirious action sequence the pair clearly harbour a mutual respect.

Once they've successfully extracted MI6 scientist Valdo Obruchev (David Dencik) from the party, they part ways, but given the absolutely electric quality of Paloma's presence in the scene, it's widely expected that she'll return as backup for 007 later in the film.

But alas it sadly never happens - perhaps because her contact, Felix Leiter (Jeffrey Wright), soon enough dies - and de Armas is permanently out of the movie by the 57-minute mark.

That's barely the end of the first act, at which point she's had all of about 10 minutes of screen time. A terrific 10 minutes, though.

The fan response to de Armas' performance was strong enough that many are hoping she might be retained for the next iteration of Bond, perhaps even using the moniker Felix Leiter as a codename when she first meets up with the new 007.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.