10 Actors Who Just Gave Their Worst Ever Movie Performances

8. Mickey Rourke - Warhunt

Elvis movie
Saban Films

Though it seemed like Mickey Rourke's flagging career was revived by his Oscar-nominated turn in 2008's The Wrestler, after his appearance in Iron Man 2 he quickly slid back into near-obscurity, appearing in a glut of forgettable genre films, most of them sent direct to video or, nowadays, streaming.

Rourke's latest such offering is Warhunt, a supernatural horror film set in World War II, with Rourke doing what many ageing action stars do these days: showing up for a few minutes every now and then so that his face can be legally plastered on the movie's cover art.

Rourke plays the eyepatch-wearing allied soldier Major Johnson in what's surely the laziest, most shamelessly paycheck-grabbing role of his career.

The film is bad any way you slice it, but Rourke's performance feels like the director used the very first take every single time - suggesting the possibility that this might've been the only option.

Had Rourke camped it up a little he could've been fun, but instead it's painfully obvious he just wants to get paid for the bare minimum amount of effort possible.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.