10 Actors Who Just Gave Their Worst Ever Movie Performances

7. Jessica Chastain - The 355

Elvis movie

Jessica Chastain is a phenomenal actress with a bevy of quality roles to her name, and in recent times she's been trying to establish herself as more than an accomplished dramatic performer: a kick-ass femme fatale, too.

And so, Chastain starred in the female-led globe-trotting action flick The 355 earlier this year - a project she pitched to writer-director Simon Kinberg while the pair worked together on Dark Phoenix.

Chastain plays CIA officer Mason "Mace" Browne, and despite the film being her passion project from the ground-up, you'd barely know it from her bizarrely one-note, totally forgettable performance.

Granted the script isn't good at all, but Chastain fails to bring much gravitas to it regardless, nor is she able to shine in the choppily assembled action sequences.

Nobody is good in this movie admittedly, but while Chastain has elevated mediocre actioners with her fiery presence in the past - namely 2020's Ava - here she seems bafflingly disinterested in a film she was directly responsible for getting made.

Perhaps Chastain was aiming for cool detachment and simply missed the mark, but she's never seemed this lacking in enthusiasm before.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.