10 Actors Who Just Gave Their Worst Ever Movie Performances

6. Chris Pratt - Jurassic World Dominion

Elvis movie

Chris Pratt has built his brand on being a charming goofball, as has proven so successful in both the Marvel and Lego Movie franchises.

Quite why he was hired to portray such a joyless nothingburger of a character in the Jurassic World trilogy, then, is anyone's guess.

While his Owen Grady possessed faint flecks of charismatic promise in the first two movies, in the recently released threequel Dominion his lifeless performance fails to render Owen as anything more than a plot-motivating prop.

Compared to Bryce Dallas Howard, who isn't exactly saddled with a prize character herself but certainly gives it her all, Pratt practically mails his performance in from another continent.

This is a film where Pratt's screen presence consists primarily of raising his hand to calm a dinosaur - something that's decidedly less iconic or cool than the filmmakers think.

While no cast member survives Dominion's onslaught of stupidity entirely in tact, unlike his co-stars Pratt apparently can't even pretend to be engaged with the material.

Pratt's lackluster, totally forgettable work here is hardly going to ruin his stock as an actor, but one suspects he might be happy to let the franchise go after this.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.