10 Actors Who Need To Go Away For A While

2. Dwayne Johnson

Skyscraper Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne Johnson is an absolutely fascinating Hollywood success story: he became the first wrestler ever to break into movies in a huge way and just recently became the highest-paid actor in the world.

2011's Fast Five was of course a major turning point for The Rock, after which he began to star in an increasing slew of big-budget tentpoles, with most proving moderately successful.

The problem, however, is that Johnson has over-exposed himself to audiences, and it's done him no favours that so many of his films are generic blockbuster films with little scripted or directorial personality. They're The Dwayne Johnson Show, and even his considerable charm starts to feel a bit tired without a compelling hook elsewhere.

This culminated in Johnson's Die Hard knock-off Skyscraper performing below expectations back in July, prompting analysts to cite "Dwayne Johnson fatigue" following the release of the far more successful Rampage earlier in the summer.

Though Johnson doesn't actually appear in that many movies, the fact they're usually cut from the same formulaic cloth is definitely a problem. Considering he's got a jungle movie (Jungle Cruise), a Fast and the Furious spin-off (Hobbs and Shaw) and another jungle movie (Jumanji 2) releasing next year, don't be surprised if audiences find themselves exhausted by his presence and just don't turn up in the numbers he's hoping for.

Johnson would do well to take some time away from movies and get himself a meaty dramatic TV series where he doesn't have to worry about box office. Otherwise his industrious cinematic work ethic could ironically end up his downfall.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.