10 Actors Who Played Multiple Marvel Roles

6. Tim Blake Nelson

Kate Mara Iron Man 2 Fantastic Four
Universal Pictures/Marvel

First: Tumour faced sequel-bait scientist Samuel Sterns in The Incredible Hulk.

But Then: Tunnel exploring sequel-bait scientist Harvey Elder in Fantastic Four.

How Did It Work Out?

It's pretty much par for the course now in the world of developing super-franchises to spend almost as much time in your origin story setting up the sequel as telling the current story. Of course the result of this can be a movie that is unsatisfying enough on its own ever to merit that sequel and a plot full of loose ends, (There's no possibility of ever seeing Green Lantern's Sinestro unleashing his full sinister side). 

Nelson's Samuel Sterns (who becomes villain The Leader in the comics) is one of the MCU's biggest loose ends, left partially transformed by the Hulk serum at the end of The Incredible Hulk.

Given the MCU is unlikely ever to pick The Leader plot up again, it makes sense for Nelson to jump ship to the Fox Marvel Universe. The only thing is, there's every possibility that the exact same thing might happen to him here. 

Cast in Fantastic Four as scientist Harvey Elder (who becomes villain Mole Man in the comics), in a movie in which Dr Doom is the principle villain, there is every possibility that Nelson will once again be waiting for a sequel for his moment to shine.


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