10 Actors Who Refused To Be On Set Together

8. Ryan Gosling And Rachel McAdams - The Notebook

Fast And Furious 6 Dwayne Johnson Vin Diesel
New Line Cinema

Much like their characters Noah and Allie in The Notebook (2004), Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling didn't always get along like a house on fire when filming the dramatic love story.

During the shooting of one particularly big scene, the film's director Nick Cassavetes confessed (in an interview with VH1) that Gosling took him to one side and begged him to 'take her out of here and bring in another actress to read off camera with me?', before adding, 'I can't do it with her. I'm just not getting anything from this.'

The pair were then thrown into a meeting together in order to sort out their differences and things went exactly as you'd expect they would. 'They started screaming and yelling at each other' according to Cassavetes, and the director had no choice but to leave the room while 'they had it out'.

Thankfully, the pair clearly respected each other for fiercely defending their characters and the rest of filming was said to be 'smoother sailing'.

Remarkably, Gosling and McAdams would go on to date for a couple of years after they'd finished up on the feature, proving yet again that there's a fine line between love and hate.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...