10 Actors Who Refused To Use Body Doubles

9. Jeremy Renner - Tag

Yennefer The Witcher
Warner Bros.

If the next entry teaches you one thing, it's that demanding to be front-and-centre no matter what stunt arises isn't always the best of ideas.

Despite being an actual Avenger and something of an action expert at this point, Jeremy Renner found out the hard way that his stance on not wanting an audience "to be pulled out of the movie by some guy in a bad wig trying to do the stunt" sometimes has painful consequences.

Whilst shooting a sequence in 2018 comedy flick Tag, the Hawkeye star was required to jump down from a 20ft stack of chairs. Yet, instead of landing safely, the actor had a nasty fall when the rigging broke, resulting in him breaking both of his arms on the way down.

Not knowing the true extent of the injury, though, Renner continued to perform the stunt again before having both of his eventually fully-casted arms covered with CGI for the rest of the shoot. There's suffering for your art and then there's Hawkeye literally breaking bones for your entertainment, folks.

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The Witcher
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...