10 Actors Who Refused To Use Body Doubles

8. Carrie Fisher - Return Of The Jedi

Yennefer The Witcher

Back to the world of Jedi and Sith we go now and to a moment so iconic, it changed the way we looked at golden bikinis forever. But Carrie Fisher's reasoning for wanting to very much be seen in her legendary Jabba's Palace attire for some of the more action-packed scenes that took place early on in Return of the Jedi was much more badass than merely wanting to be a poster girl for randy teenagers.

As the late titan of film would explain to The Guardian in 2014:

"I had a lot of fun killing Jabba the Hutt. They asked me on the day if I wanted to have a stunt double kill Jabba. No! That’s the best time I ever had as an actor. And the only reason to go into acting is if you can kill a giant monster.”

Proving to be something of a conflicting moment for the beloved princess, Fisher has also gone on record to admit that she did actually despise the bikini itself. But when you're given a chance to kill a monster, stunt doubles can royally do one, I suppose.

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The Witcher
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