10 Actors Who Should Play Spider-Man In Avengers: Infinity War

2. Anton Yelchin

Another name that was under consideration for the title role in The Amazing Spider-Man before Andrew Garfield was cast, Anton Yelchin still ranks among the best potential candidates to play the character when it comes to the next round of recasting. Although not yet a household name, the 25 year-old is still regarded as one of the best young actors in Hollywood and would be an excellent choice to don the wall-crawler's iconic costume. Yelchin's laid-back drawl and natural acting style lends itself extremely well to both Peter Parker and Spider-Man; the actor is great at playing socially-awkward characters, misfits and outsiders, while his performances were the best things by far in Terminator Salvation, Fright Night and Odd Thomas, with Yelchin's charisma and likeability providing highlights in otherwise disappointing effects-heavy features. Already a 15 year veteran of the business, the potentially career-changing role of Spider-Man would showcase the actor's undoubted talents to the widest possible audience.

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