10 Actors Who Should Play The Joker In Suicide Squad

9. Willem Dafoe

Willem Dafoe has been constantly linked to the role of the Joker ever since Tim Burton's Batman was announced over 25 years ago, and there is plenty of fan-made art available on the internet that makes a pretty convincing case. With his piercing eyes and maniacal grin, Dafoe was born to play the bad guy and there are few badder than the Clown Prince of Crime. While there's sadly little chance of the actor ever getting the chance to play the role, there's no doubt that he would still knock it out of the park if the casting was announced tomorrow. The main sticking point is his age; Dafoe turns 60 next year and it seems unlikely that he would ever be offered a multi-picture deal to play the Joker, even with Ben Affleck playing an older and more seasoned version of Batman. That being said, Jack Nicholson was in his 50's when he played the role and Dafoe is still in great shape for a man of his age. However, if DC are planning on making their cinematic universe more grounded and realistic than Marvel then the actor would be a strange fit; a Willem Dafoe Joker would no doubt dial the crazy up to eleven and offer a scenery-devouring performance of over-the-top grandiosity, which would probably be ill-at-ease with the tone of the movie. That being said, the potential for awesomeness would be off the charts.

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