10 Actors Who Should Play The Joker In Suicide Squad

8. Ben Foster

One of the most underrated character actors in the business, Ben Foster's diverse and eclectic filmography has seen him work in nearly every imaginable genre, with his performance frequently the best thing in any movie he appears. Although he has tended to stay away from starring in blockbusters over the last decade the actor recently completed work on Duncan Jones' highly-anticipated Warcraft, and with his chameleonic ability to disappear into character the 34 year-old would no doubt be able to offer a fresh, unique and ultimately memorable spin on the Joker if he was awarded the part. As his work in the likes of 30 Days of Night, 3:10 to Yuma and Contraband has shown, the actor has a track record for scene-stealing performances in genre movies as well as several strong turns as part of an ensemble cast, and with Suicide Squad being described as 'the Dirty Dozen with supervillains' Foster could turn out to be an inspired piece of casting. The actor's trademark intensity, not to mention ability to convincingly turn from soft-spoken to crazed and manic in a flash, would lend themselves incredibly well to the Clown Prince of Crime's unique brand of sociopathic charisma.

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