10 Actors Who Should Play The Joker In Suicide Squad

6. Ryan Gosling

Along with the rumor that the Joker would be appearing in Suicide Squad came the caveat that Ryan Gosling had already passed on the role, given his reluctance to sign the all-important multi-picture contract that comes as a requisite of signing onto a comic book blockbuster, which is also the reason he turned down the title role in Green Lantern back in 2011. With the actor reportedly actively seeking a big-budget project to star in, the thought of Ryan Gosling taking on the role of the Joker remains a tantalizing prospect. Over the last decade, the 34 year-old has gone on to firmly establish himself as one of the best actors of his generation, showing huge range and versatility in a range of independent features across multiple genres. Gosling's dedication and willingness to immerse himself in his characters has resulted in a series of critically-acclaimed performances, with Drive and Only God Forgives showing that the actor isn't afraid to get his hands dirty either. While his heart-throb status may lead many to believe that Gosling would be an odd fit for the Joker, plenty of people made the same assumption when Heath Ledger was cast in the role and that worked out pretty well, with Gosling more than capable of delivering both a complex and magnetic take on the Clown Prince of Crime.

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