10 Actors Who Should Replace Ben Affleck As Batman

5. Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves Batman
Summit Entertainment

The idea of anyone suggesting Keanu Reeves seriously as a contender to play Batman a couple of years ago would probably have elicited outright ridicule. Sure, he made some interesting movies in 2013 (Man of Tai Chi and 47 Ronin), but they came after a period mostly defined by inactivity.

But then John Wick happened, and all of a sudden he's fashionable again, landing more interesting parts and the inevitable sequels to his hitman smash. And all of this despite not really having to reinvent himself at all: it's funny how the wheel of fortune spins.

Reeves would be able to pull off the other-worldly, removed sort of spirit you'd want from Bruce Wayne, simply by not really acting all that much. There's definitely something to his casual, dead-eyed demeanour (which seems to have now been reinvented as a sort of tangible coolness), and he's definitely got the kung-fu credentials and the hard-action chops to play Batman too. The more you think about it, the more the idea of John Wick playing Batman should appeal.


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