10 Actors Who Should Replace Ben Affleck As Batman

4. Colin Farrell

Keanu Reeves Batman
Warner Bros.

It's probably fair to say that Colin Farrell is an acquired taste. He's made almost as many poor films as he has genuinely good ones, and while he has something of a poor track record in bigger blockbuster movies, he would make a beguiling Dark Knight.

It is precisely Farrell's uneasy charm that would work so well as Bruce Wayne: this is a man who is designed not to be likeable generally, after all, but who requires a certain type of disarming charisma to unlock doors for him at the same time. That description could have been written for Farrell.

He would also offer a refreshing take on Batman, a more manic, more visibly unhinged take, channelling some of his more frantic past roles in a way that hasn't really been explored enough in the past. Batman is supposed to be a wildcard and a dark avenger, not the wholesome flag-bearer of the Justice League (that's what Superman exists for): the dynamic between him and the criminals he locks up is more interesting because of the dangerous similarities in them, and that's a Batman Farrell could absolutely pull off.


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