10 Actors Who Suffered The Most In 2016

6. Kristen Wiig

Johnny Depp Alice

2016 was a bit of a disappointing year for Kristen Wiig. Firstly, she played the main character in the Ghostbusters reboot, a movie that failed to win over Ghostbusters fans before release; which is putting it nicely. It came out to mixed reviews and disappointing box-office, meaning a direct sequel is super duper unlikely.

She played one of the villains in Zoolander 2, a movie that seemed to think the only reason people enjoyed the original was the cameos, so it just crammed in a bunch of them. Not a great approach to comedy, and despite years of hype the film was another bomb.

Finally came Masterminds, which already sent alarm bells ringing by being delayed a year. The trailers also made it look unbearable, and after a thorough criticial savaging it became another of 2016’s bombs.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.