10 Actors Who Suffered The Most In 2017

2. Gerard Butler

Geostorm Gerard Butler
Warner Bros.

Gerard Butler has never exactly been a critical fave, but his big-budget studio movies do tend to succeed at the box office (bar Gods of Egypt, that is).

The critically dogpiled Geostorm, however, only barely cracked $200 million despite a clear attempt to appeal to worldwide markets, while Butler's single other film, dramatic ensemble movie A Family Man, ironically scored the exact same Rotten Tomatoes score of merely 13%, while grossing just $2.4 million worldwide. Ouch.

Though Butler does have a few films due out in 2018, the only one that looks like it'll do remotely well at the box office is Angel Has Fallen, the follow-up to London Has Fallen. If that film under-performs with audiences, Butler could very well find his blockbuster roles drying up while he circles the straight-to-VOD dungeon with Nicolas Cage as a cellmate. Terrifying.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.