10 Actors Who Suffered The Most In 2017

3. Matt Damon

The Great Wall Matt Damon

Matt Damon is one of those actors who can weather bad or underwhelming movies incredibly well, but even so, this year sure was trying for him.

Though Damon didn't embarrass himself in 2017, all three of the movies he starred in (no, Thor: Ragnarok doesn't count) were considerable disappointments.

First off was action-fantasy The Great Wall, which saw Damon defending against accusations of taking a "whitewashed" role in the Chinese action blockbuster. The film received mostly negative reviews and was one of Damon's rare blatant paycheck roles.

At least Damon's efforts were handsomely rewarded in that case, while his two year-end Oscar hopefuls sadly weren't quite so fruitful.

George Clooney's Suburbicon was a disappointingly slapdash black comedy that was largely panned and has barely made a third of its budget back, and Alexander Payne's Downsizing has largely been deemed an underwhelming three-star affair at best from festival reviews, which given Payne's prior Oscar success, is hugely surprising.

It sucks that Damon didn't appear in a single good film despite clearly making an effort this year, and aside from a cameo in next summer's Ocean's Eight, his future slate is completely empty for now.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.