10 Actors Who Suffered The Most In 2017

9. Nicolas Cage

The Humanity Bureau Nicolas Cage
VMI Worldwide

Despite having an Oscar to his name and being one of the most bankable stars of the 90s, Nicolas Cage's career is verifiably on the skids right now, to the point that all four of his films released in 2017 went straight-to-VOD.

Cage began the year with Arsenal, which scored just 3% with critics, before moving onto glorified Lifetime movie Inconceivable, which landed a 30% rating.

As for his two other movies, Vengeance: A Love Story and The Humanity Bureau, most critics didn't even bother reviewing them, but the few reviews available online are almost universally negative. For an actor who is still so loved by so many, it's a damn shame he didn't appear in a single theatrical release over the last 12 months.

Cage's one minor success this year was starring in Crank director Brian Taylor's new movie Mom and Dad, which premiered to strong reviews coming out of TIFF, though doesn't officially release until early next year.

As for the rest of 2018? Cage has five other movies due out, though it doesn't seem likely that a single one of them will actually end up in cinemas.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.