10 Actors Who Thought They Were Playing Other Comic Book Villains

6. Toby Kebbell (Fantastic Four)

Riddler Jesse Eisenberg.png
20th Century Fox

Who He Was Supposed To Play: While fans were hoping for a traditional take on the European dictator, they were shocked to find he didn’t even live up to his Ultimate version counterpart. This iteration would have seen Dr. Doom as transformed into a metallic man, using his charisma and leadership to gather people for him to control, while secretly amassing power for himself.

Who He Really Played: Once he became transformed, Kebbell’s Doom didn’t have any characterization at all. For the brief scenes he had as Doom, he sported undefined powers and equally inexplicable motivations. He was seemingly too busy massacring people with just a look that he couldn’t take the time to explain why he was trying to destroy the Earth all of a sudden or even what his attitude about it was.

The worst part is that this careless destruction is so perfect of Annihilus, another well-known Fantastic Four villain. This insect-like conqueror exists only to destroy everything in his path. He’s from the same dimension that Doom becomes trapped in and frankly, it’s hard to understand why Doom was used at all when Kebbell’s mindless performance at the end was not that of a power-thirsty dictator, but one that better represented Annihilus.

Check out Fantastic Four over at Amazon.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.