10 Actors Who Thought They Were Playing Other Comic Book Villains

5. Topher Grace (Spider-Man 3)

Riddler Jesse Eisenberg.png
Sony Pictures Releasing

Who He Was Supposed To Play: Venom is perhaps Spider-Man’s most beloved villain by fans and they were rightfully expecting the sinister, unrelenting beast to appear on screen. Venom is the antithesis of Spider-Man, terrifying, inhuman and wishing only to hurt Peter Parker.

Who He Really Played: Despite the characters' sizeable age gap, Grace's shrieky tone, pathetic attitude, and spurned heart far better resembled the Jackal than Venom. Best known for his part in the Clone Saga, the Jackal was really Professor Miles Warren, Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy’s teacher who was devastated by her death. Driven mad by the loss of Gwen, he personally blamed Spider-Man and created an insane alter-ego to take it out on him. If that sounds familiar thats’s because it’s exactly what Eddie Brock does.

Given Topher Grace’s comedic background, it should come as no surprise that the primal Venom is instead constantly trying to keep things lighthearted. He wasn’t serious or threatening, but over-the-top and laughable, leading the serious miscasting of Grace to make him seem like the much campier Jackal as a result.

Check out Spider-Man 3 over at Amazon.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.