10 Actors Who Thought They Were Playing Other Comic Book Villains

3. Colin Farrell (Daredevil)

Riddler Jesse Eisenberg.png
20th Century Fox

Who He Was Supposed To Play: A sadist assassin and sworn enemy to Daredevil, Bullseye is an absolutely terrifying killing machine. He’s not to be trifled with, and his cutthroat nature is matched only by his precise skills.

Who He Really Played: Farrell’s Bullseye kept all of the aim, but not much of anything else. His bizarre, over-the-top, Irish spin on the character made him read like a caricature of the real Bullseye. Fans were borderline insulted by how distant Farrell’s version of the character felt from his beloved comic book iteration.

In fact, Farrell's larger-than-life nature was far more reminiscent of Marvel’s knock-off of the Joker and routine pain in Daredevil’s side: the Jester. From his constant chuckles down to the gimmicks of using something like a paper clip as a weapon, Farrell was less a fearsome serial killer, and more the jokey henchman. Considering that Michael Clarke Duncan’s accurate depiction of Kingpin was one of the film’s few redeeming features, it makes Farrell’s poor choices as the secondary villain all the more obvious.

Check out Daredevil over at Amazon.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.