10 Actors Who Visibly Hated These Movie Roles

2. Bruce Willis - Cop Out

Cop Out Bruce Willis
Warner Bros.

In fairness, Bruce Willis stopped giving much of a damn about the movies he made around a decade ago, having starred in just two good movies since - Moonrise Kingdom and Looper.

Willis now willingly accepts those straight-to-VOD action movie paychecks, and even though he only has to work for a few weeks per movie and has a body double do most of the heavy lifting for him, he still looks utterly miserable in every single one of them.

Willis appeared to fall out of love with acting back in 2010 when he starred in the Kevin Smith-directed buddy "comedy" Cop Out, and spends the entire movie looking like he wants to hang himself at any given moment.

Smith ultimately confirmed that Willis didn't have a good time on the movie, calling the experience of working with him "soul crushing", and noting that in addition to being difficult on-set, he wouldn't even sit for a poster photoshoot.

Clearly, Willis was just there for the cash, and even accepting him as the straight man to Tracy Morgan's goofball, there's a real tiredness and contempt behind his eyes that's barely left since.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.