10 Actors Who Visibly Hated These Movie Roles

1. January Jones - X-Men: First Class

Emma Frost X-Men.jpg

As terrific as X-Men: First Class generally was, there was a single performance in the movie that was taken to task by critics and fans alike: January Jones' utterly listless, unfussed turn as mutant Emma Frost.

Though Jones did a marvelous job playing put-upon housewife Betty Draper on Mad Men, she basically played Frost like a fembot, completely lacking in anything approaching believable human affect with every single one of her totally flat line readings.

While you can argue this was simply a misguided acting tic on Jones' part, her completely morose mood throughout the film suggests she was only there for the money.

Granted, Jones was forced into an eye-rollingly skimpy collection of outfits to play the part, so you can't really blame her for being a bit pissed off about the blatant sexism of it all, even if she mistakenly let her clear misery define the hollow, soulless performance itself.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.