10 Actors Who Visibly Hated These Movie Roles

3. Jeff Bridges - R.I.P.D.

RIPD Jeff Bridges

Jeff Bridges is one of the greatest actors of all time, and though he's appeared in his share of duds over the decades, he can almost never be accused of mailing a performance in. Almost.

In 2013's sci-fi comedy dud R.I.P.D., however, Bridges' performance as undead U.S. Marshall Roy Pulsipher was delivered from several continents away.

Though it's clear to see why Bridges was cast as the rootin' tootin' monster-hunter, there's nothing here for him beyond a payday, and he clearly knows it.

Bridges does the only thing an actor can in this situation: he hams it up, yet in an utterly joyless and lazy way that makes it clear he just wants to get through the work and move on.

Bridges may have made an art out of grumbling throughout his career, but in R.I.P.D. there's a genuine listlessness to his performance, and not even pairing him with a similarly stranded Ryan Reynolds does much to help.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.