10 Actors Who Were Cast Against Type And Totally Nailed It

6. L.B. Jefferies - James Stewart (Rear Window)

fronter-rear-window It may surprise you to learn that James Stewart was once accustomed to playing more heroically-aligned men - that was until he teamed up with Alfred Hitchcock, who introduced the actor to a few parts that seemed at odds with his established reputation as a man of upstanding citizenship. That's to say, though it may seem normal now to watch him in this iconic movie, Stewart's role in Rear Window was considered to be a departure of sorts for the actor, who was - at the time - Hollywood's go-to guy for nice gentlemanly characters, given his trademark "aw, shucks" demeanour. But Stewart is wonderful in Rear Window, playing a man who is iffy about getting married, treats his girlfriend badly, and becomes an obsessed voyeur. Not quite so gentlemanly.
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