10 Actors Who Were Cast Against Type And Totally Nailed It

5. Seth Gecko - George Clooney (From Dusk Till Dawn)

Seth Gecko It's hard to believe there was a time when George Clooney wasn't Hollywood's definitive "slick and handsome" type, but his movie career actually started out with a motion picture you might not have been expecting: Robert Rodriguez's vampire exploitation movie From Dusk Till Dawn, which was penned by Quentin Tarantino. Before his turn here as a violent criminal, Clooney was best known as the nice doctor on E.R., so you can imagine how much of a surprise it would have been to see him shooting people in the face. Watching the movie, it's easy to see how Clooney became a star - he walks the line between sardonic a*shole and charisma-machine so darn well.
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