10 Actors Who Were Uncredited For Insane Reasons

4. To Give David Prowse Full Credit - James Earl Jones (Star Wars: A New Hope)

John Doe Seven

During post-production of Star Wars: A New Hope, George Lucas decided that Darth Vader actor David Prowse's pronounced West Country accent simply wasn't a good fit for the character, enough that the cast jokingly referred to him as "Darth Farmer."

And so, Lucas had his lines dubbed over by another actor - apparently without Prowe's knowledge. After originally picking Orson Welles for the job, Lucas felt that Welles' vocal tenor was too recognisable, and so instead hired James Earl Jones.

Jones decided to provide Vader's voice uncredited, feeling that his contributions weren't significant enough to receive a credit, and instead preferring that Prowse get sole billing.

It's perhaps easier to understand Jones' thought process when you consider that he recorded the entire part in just two-and-a-half hours, for which he was paid $7,500.

Yet even with A New Hope's phenomenal popularity, Jones again decided to go uncredited for sequel The Empire Strikes Back, before finally agreeing to take a voice credit for the trilogy-capping Return of the Jedi, given that everybody knew who was voicing Darth Vader by that point.

For the various re-releases of the original two films, Jones' name was added to the credits.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.