10 Actors Who Were Uncredited For Insane Reasons

3. He Didn't Want To Play The Part - Terrence Malick (Badlands)

John Doe Seven
Warner Bros.

Now to be fair, legendarily reclusive filmmaker Terrence Malick would certainly never call himself an actor, but he did make a brief appearance in his stellar 1973 directorial debut Badlands.

Malick played the role of the architect who knocks on the rich man's door, yet he didn't take the part by choice, but rather sheer necessity, given that the actor hired to play the role never actually showed up to set.

As such, without any possible replacement in sight, Malick - who has fastidiously avoided having his face photographed for literally his entire career - was forced to play the part himself.

Ultimately Malick was unhappy with this and planned to reshoot the scene before the film's release with another actor playing the architect, yet star Martin Sheen resolutely refused to shoot the scene again, and so Malick was stuck with his unwilling cameo being included in the final cut.

As such, Malick decided to go uncredited, and ever since this scene remains one of the few on-camera glimpses of the publicity-adverse director's face or voice.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.