10 Actors Who Will No Longer Work Together

3. Channing Tatum And Alex Pettyfer

The Interview James Franco Seth Rogen
Warner Bros.

Despite being one of the first feature's main characters, Alex Pettyfer's Adam 'The Kid' was left behind for Magic Mike XXL, a decision which was likely influenced by the fact that, in the star's own words,"Channing Tatum does not like me, and for many reasons — many being my own fault."

This dislike stems back to Pettyfer's time on the set of the first film, when he picked up a bad rep for keeping himself to himself, a move which he felt led to his co-stars assuming the actor thought he was better than them. However, it was likely Pettyfer refusing to pay the rent owed on an apartment owned by one of Tatum's pals, a move which prompted the former stripper to email the actor saying, "Pay the f*cking money. Don't be a clown.'", which acted as the final straw for their relationship.

Pettyfer has gone on record to state that he was going through a rough moment in time, his cousin suddenly died shortly after leaving the flat, but this still didn't change the way Tatum felt towards him and the two haven't worked together since.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...