10 Actors Whose Casting Made Comic Book Movies More Credible

1. Robert Downey Jr.: Tony Stark in Iron Man (2008)

This list is typified by heavyweight actors who were brought in to bolster the credibility of a film. Notably, that actor is not the movie€™s lead. Not so with the eponymous Iron Man. I must confess, when I first heard that there was to be an Iron Man film back in 2008, I was a tad underwhelmed. I€™d enjoyed a few Iron Man comics as a kid. I liked him when he popped up in other Marvel comics, and I was a fan of The Avengers. But I never thought of him as an A-List hero. A bit like Thor. And Ant Man. And Wasp. Not really Hollywood blockbuster material. I feared this film would be akin to Daredevil or Catwoman. But thankfully no! Complementing the sharp script and War-on-Terror edginess is a hero who steals the show and every scene he is in. Downey Jr. is simply brilliant as Tony Stark. He plays him like an action-hero version of J.R. Ewing: hard drinking, womanizing, morally suspect in his business dealings €“ but with such fun, style and a smile. His confidence and bravura is so watchable. By the time we get to the opening of Iron Man 2, with his OTT arrival and performance at the Stark Expo, you€™re just cheering along with the enraptured crowd. Hurrah for the man who privatised world peace! Like this article? Who have we missed? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Stephen is the author of the book series Class Heroes, about London teenagers James and Samantha Blake who develop superpowers – and then have to deal with them. Stephen is a twelve-lifelong Doctor Who fan, James Bond nut, serial superheroist, and part-time film maker.