7. Armie Hammer
Speaking of The Lone Ranger, we might as well talk about Armie Hammer. You know Armie Hammer: there were two of him in The Social Network, and... well, that's about it for his career so far, actually. You gotta feel sorry for this guy, though, haven't you? He had the weight of a $250 million Disney disaster poised right on his incredibly squared shoulders - and guess who took the blame when it didn't make all the money that they expected it to make? Well, to be fair, Hammer only got stuffed with a portion of the blame. Admist the cries of "why did you need $250 million dollars to make that film?" and "why is Tonto played by Johnny Depp?", a bunch of people found themselves wondering who Armie Hammer actually was. Maybe that's a good thing. It's probably not fair (or accurate) to lay the blame at his feet - he was good in the movie, after all, if a little bland. Still, being associated with a notorious box office bomb like The Lone Ranger (feel free to dispute those claims amongst yourself) can't have done good for this guy's credibility, nor his future career choices. Expect to see him in a few things later in the year that he filmed before The Lone Ranger came out, and then a whole lot less.