10 Actors Who Will Definitely Win An Oscar One Day

8. Scarlett Johansson

Although she first came to prominence with a memorable turn in Sofia Coppola's Lost in Translation back in 2003 and has been working solidly ever since, Scarlett Johansson is still only 29. Despite the fact that she is yet to be nominated for an Academy Award, her body of work already speaks for itself. Outside of her recurring role as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, over the last decade Johansson has given solid performances in movies as diverse as The Girl With the Pearl Earring, The Prestige and Vicky Cristina Barcelona. The last 12 months have arguably been the best of her career, with memorable supporting turns in Don Jon and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, a heartfelt voice-only role in Her and a mesmerizing lead role in Under the Skin. Unlike many of the actresses that have been labeled as eye candy and nothing more, Scarlett Johansson can actually act, and act very well. With a career at the top that will no doubt continue for the next several decades, look for her to eventually add an Academy Award to a collection that already includes a BAFTA and a Tony.

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