10 Actors You Didn't Expect To Be Cast As Serial Killers

4. Owen Wilson as Vann in 'The Minus Mann'

The descriptors that surge into your mind when you see a big giant poster with Owen Wilson's face plastered on it probably accurately represent the tone of most of his films. The man seems naturally likeable, charming, a bit of a goof-ball and sometimes even a sad or forlorn, but creepy, intimidating and dangerous don't really fit in there. But he did indeed play a serial poisoner in 'The Minus man' and, believe it or not, he pulled it off. If you've never heard of this film, which is quite possible as it released before Wilson really hit it big, then the premise of Owen Wilson playing a serial killer may justifiably put you off. But it's sort of worth watching just to see him credibly play a killer, that is, unless you're really exited about Cheryl Crow acting.

Wilson plays Vann, a cold, awkward man obviously abused in childhood who now kills people by poisoning their drinks. Through sections of the film Wilson goes back to familiar territory as his character feigns warmth but the idea that the audience has to get behind that goof-ball from all those goof-ball movies being an actual killer who actually kills people for kicks remains. The film is worth a novelty watch for the daring casting choice alone.

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Founder of the 'keep Josh Pence's face off our screens' campaign. Things are going very very well.