10 Actors You Didn't Expect To Be Cast As Serial Killers

3. Elijah Wood as Kevin in 'Sin City'

It's not hard to imagine Wood sitting down after finishing up as Frodo and thinking, "what kind of roles can I play to make sure I'm not a hobbit for the rest of my life". I'm not saying that that's what he did but if it is you can see his reasoning. If he was out to make sure he wasn't type-cast then playing a super-agile cannibal who never says a word, even when being eaten by his own dog, is a pretty extreme way to go about it. Kevin was an incredibly memorable character in Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez's 'Sin City', as even in a stylish film full of violence, his scenes stick out as particularly slick and gruesome.

Wood has proved post-LOTR that he makes a great depressive (TV's 'Wilfred'), a half-convincing football hooligan (Green Street Hooligans) and a good dancing penguin (Happy Feet) but on the list of actors to play twisted killers he certainly doesn't feature highly. However Rodriguez stated during an interview that he found there to be something about Wood's eyes that he found creepy and promised to cast him as a serial killer at some point. As it turns out that pledge was for the best as it's a surprising and effective appearance from Wood who swaps hairy feet for nine inch finger nails remarkably well.

One question worth considering here is would it all have come crashing down if Kevin had had some lines?

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Founder of the 'keep Josh Pence's face off our screens' campaign. Things are going very very well.