10 Actors You Won't Believe Don't Have Oscars Yet

7. Viggo Mortensen

Ed Harris Truman Show
Bleecker Street

While his Lord of the Rings co-star Ian McKellen is more well known within popular culture and is equally deserving of an Oscar (he's a two time nominee), Viggo Mortensen's projects feel more meticulously picked to cater towards the Academy but so far, to no avail.

Mortensen's three nominations to date are for his leading roles in Eastern Promises, Captain Fantastic and Green Book, with the latter being a Best Picture winner. He chooses his films very carefully and only plays roles he really cares about. It is why a large portion of movie going audiences predominantly just know him for his work on Peter Jackson's fantasy trilogy.

Despite being a blockbuster action hero, Mortensen tends to focus more on contained character dramas that he can sink his teeth into. This allows him to develop his performance on screen and create memorable characters. His last two nominations were for his consecutive films (two years apart) so he's definitely in the Academy's sights these days.


Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.