10 Actors You Won't Believe Don't Have Oscars Yet

6. Ed Harris

Ed Harris Truman Show
Paramount Pictures

Four time nominee Ed Harris has avoided the Oscars in recent years with his last nomination coming in 2003. Harris is a captivating performer that has an instantly commanding screen presence whenever he's on screen.

His nominations came for Apollo 13, The Truman Show, Pollock and The Hours and there is a strong argument that he should have won two out of the four. His work in Pollock is his best as he plays the titular tortured painter in a brutally open biopic that he also directed. Despite that, it's not surprising that he couldn't overcome the juggernaut that was Gladiator and Russell Crowe's leading performance.

What is harder to compute is how he lost for his supporting turn in The Hours as a man suffering from AIDS which is one of his most transformative performances. The Oscar instead went to Chris Cooper for his whacky performance in Adaptation.

Since then, Harris has been more noticeable on television rather than film as he has received awards attention for his roles in Game Change and Westworld. Hopefully, he'll return to cinema soon and get the Oscar that he should've won almost 20 years ago.


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