10 Actresses Who Can Play Thor On The Big Screen

7. A Hilarious Hero - Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz won fans and acclaim through her comedic turns in hits like There€™s Something About Mary and Bad Teacher. The megastar actress can deliver the action goods as well. In Charlie€™s Angels, Diaz threw down, beating baddies with wire-fu. Diaz€™s comedic sensibility coupled with her charming aptitude as a comedienne helped propel the feature to box office gold. If she€™s called upon to battle against Loki, Diaz can bring the pain. Another plus for Diaz is her wry comic timing. Marvel films have distinguished themselves from other comic book adaptations by serving up a healthy dose of humor alongside the comic book mayhem. Diaz€™s comedic sensibilities would be a perfect addition to Joss Whedon€™s snark-laden take on the Avengers. She can hold her own quipping with best of them. Casting Diaz is a perfect fit for Thor in more ways than one. Thor€™s standalone films centre on the love story between Thor and his earthbound crush Dr. Jane Foster. Diaz owns much of her success to romantic comedies so spicing up a Thor reboot with some romantic flavor should be a walk in the park for the veteran actress. A Diaz star turn as Thor would fit nicely with the tone of the series thus far.

I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.