10 Adam Sandler Films That Actually Didn't Suck

6. Little Nicky

nicky2 On the face of it, Little Nicky is downright absurd. In it Adam Sandler plays the devil's cartoonish voiced son on a mission to Earth to bring back his brothers who are the cause of apocalyptic chaos. Rodney Dangerfield plays his grandfather - a Lucifer who gets no respect - and Rhys Ifans plays one of the wayward brothers too. Little Nicky works because it€™s a clever enough concept that everyone involved with clearly had tons of fun making. Somehow Ozzy Osbourne was even convinced to bite off some more bird heads for the film. It also has talking horny bulldogs and a possessed Dana Carvey refereeing a Globetrotters game. Nicky also befriends 2 moronic metal heads that are in a constant state of shellshock from interacting with the devils offspring. Quentin Tarantino also plays a blind Deacon preaching about the end of the world in arguably the greatest cameo ever. Ultimately, it€™s another movie where Sandler plays a gullible and obliviously naive character winning over another improbably hot girl, but the apocalyptic themes allow for some creativity and some great scenes. It might be considered a guilty pleasure by some, but it's a pleasure all the same.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.