10 Adam Sandler Films That Actually Didn't Suck

5. Click

23clic.600 Click has quite possibly one of the dumbest premises ever for a film. It€™s about a remote control that controls time. Sandler can fast forward, rewind, and even enter slow motion whenever he wants. A perfect example is toggling on slow motion while watching big breasted women jog. It seems really stupid and lighthearted until the end. Anyone that has seen Click knows it€™s infamous for taking a plot device so stupid and full of juvenile material and just flipping the entire tone upside down. Click not only gets depressing but genuinely brilliant. The ending actually needed to be tweaked; yes the original script was even more depressing. Why can€™t Sandler turn more of his ridiculous ideas into interesting stories? Click balances crude humor with a thought provoking story about life and time. You will come for sthe stupidity of the premise and end up leaving with a little something more than one usually gets watching an Adam Sandler comedy.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.