10 All-New All-Different Marvel Ideas The MCU Should Use

2. Power Man And Iron Fist

Sam Wilson Captain America

Netflix and Marvel have managed to deliver yet another hit with Luke Cage. The show's incredibly well-done with some great acting from Mike Colter and awesome writing that explores what it means to be a hero. Given the track record so far, there's no doubt that next year's Iron Fist will also be great.

But in the comics, Cage and Iron Fist haven't always been solo acts. In fact, back in the 70s, both titles weren't selling so hot, so Marvel combined them into one book, called Power Man and Iron Fist. It was an odd pairing, but somehow, it worked. And one of comics' best bromances was born.

So what if Netflix followed a similar formula? I admit I'm a little torn: I would love to see a second season of Luke Cage, but the fanboy in me also really wants to see a Power Man and Iron Fist series.

Of course, given that Luke doesn't use the Power Man moniker in the show, you couldn't really call a series featuring the two of them Power Man and Iron Fist. A better idea: Heroes For Hire, the name of their agency in the comics (and also a 90s comic that starred them).


Percival Constantine is the author of several novels and short stories, including the Vanguard superhero series, and regularly writes and comments on movies, comics, and other pop culture. More information can be found at his website, PercivalConstantine.com